The Team

We support future leaders where others do not reach them

Katia Gomez

Executive Director

From 2009-2011, Katia served as a District Chair for CARE USA, speaking to politicians in Washington DC and locally about the importance of empowering women and girls to conquer global poverty.

After winning the VH1 Do Something Award she was named by Newsweek as one of the “Top 25 Women Under 25 in the World to Watch.” Katia earned her Master of Public Health from Boston University and her B.A. in International Studies from the University of California, San Diego. In 2015, she was awarded a social entrepreneurship fellowship by Ashoka. During Spring Break of 2009, she made her first trip to Honduras with a college volunteer group to work on water and sanitation; so began E2E.

Ada Cruz-Torres

Head of Operations and Partnerships

Ada Cruz-Torres is a “catracha” through and through, born and raised in Honduras’ capital, Tegucigalpa. After obtaining her bachelors degree from the University of Florida, she moved to Guatemala to promote social entrepreneurship. Falling in love with this field, she came back home to Honduras and worked to help women living in rural areas increase their income through sustainable farming. Most recently, she served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco in the Youth Development sector, where she wrote grants for literacy programs, taught art to young children, and drank plenty of Moroccan tea.

Carlos Manuel Urbina

Head of Field Programs

By age 24 Carlos started his first philanthropic venture, a volunteer association that identifies primary school-aged children, from his hometown, living in precarious situations and provides emotional and academic support. He comes to E2E after three years working for a major bank in Honduras’s capital as an Operations Official. Carlos loves all things tech, reading, and spending time with his wife and baby girl.

Ariel Cardona

Youth Leadership Coordinator

Ariel has been a rising star of E2E since entering our secondary school as a 7th grader in 2014. Raised in a rural village, he will soon become the first person in his entire community to attend university. Ariel has led countless leadership workshops for students of various ages including parents inspiring them to make education a priority. He believes that education is the key to fighting back against poverty and injustice.

Michelle Paterick


Michelle is the Co-Founder and Program Advisor of Real LEDGE Honduras, a non-profit organization that trains high school teachers in entrepreneurship and life-skill development. Since establishing the program in late 2014, 250 teachers have been trained in the Real LEDGE methodology, benefitting 5,500+ students.

Michelle has helped our students with entrepreneurship workshops and continues to be an avid supporter of E2E as she pursues a Master’s in Education in Finland.

Michelle Espinosa


Michelle is a graphic designer who works as community manager for Casa Quinchon. The global experience she’s acquired while working in London and Boston has helped shape her perspective & approach with the local community’s culture.

Michelle has creatively inspired our students by showing them the art of observing design in their everyday lives and the importance of having a visual identity when creating a business.

Ricardo Irias


Ricardo is one of the top leading minds of the tech movement in Honduras. He is the co-founder and Executive Director of Sube Latin America, an online platform dedicated to simplifying online sales and payments in the region.

In 2014 he organized the first Startup Weekend in Honduras and in 2015 the first Startup Weekend Mega in Central America.

As an entrepreneurship mentor, Ricardo has inspired our students to dream big and pursue seemingly impossible aspirations.

Leo Yu Way



Carlos Alvarez


Carlos is an entrepreneur who loves building tech solutions from the ground up. He holds a B.A. in Business Management and launched his first venture in 2016. He was the first Honduran to be part of MIT’s Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp and is currently involved in 2 new ventures related to AgTech in Canada and Honduras. He currently teaches business development at UNITEC.

He has collaborated with E2E since 2016, visiting most of the communities to offer training and workshops to the students on topics related to entrepreneurship and leadership. He believes education coupled with the right mindset can help these kids break the poverty cycle!

Catalina Mejia


Catalina is the brain behind Startup Honduras events and the up and coming Impact Hub Tegucigalpa. She is at the forefront of the brewing entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country and travels representing Honduras at other entrepreneur-focused events worldwide. She serves as a business mentor to E2E students.

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