Our Approach
Once community buy-in is confirmed, E2E begins the selection process for student scholarships based on financial need and leadership potential. Partial scholarships are provided and increased each year a student remains in school and fulfills academic and community service requirements.
In partnership with local government, communities without secondary school access are identified and proposals are received from community representatives.
Students receive workshops on entrepreneurship through university mentors, local young
professionals, and corporate partners.
Students receive training integrated into their regular curriculum on designing and evaluating community development projects, often advocating for support from local government or other NGOs.
youth-led development
Students design and execute poverty-fighting projects year-round in their local communities.
Students who successfully complete training receive seed capital for approved business plans and technical assistance from local volunteers.

long-term impact
We apply our mixed-methods impact evaluation tools to track KPIs throughout the school year.
Track our data
Upper-level students travel to communities throughout the country to train peers on developing similar community projects.
Students create a council to manage revenue for school-related expenses and reinvest in
scholarships for current and future students.
Our Comprehensive Approach to Rural Education
We use a national curriculum provided by government-accredited alternative education program IHER. It offers a flexible structure intended for rural populations and
costs families a fraction of the price of formal public secondary school.
We apply many principles of self-directed learning to tackle the shortage of skilled teachers that many rural areas face of skilled teacher shortages.
Tackling these problems
Scarce number of available middle schools or high schools in rural areas
Low government investments in improving rurals education outcomes
Few household economic resources to cover schools fees
We build leadership skills by guiding students through each step required to execute a successful community development project and training them to support neighboring schools to replicate similar initiatives.
Students tackle such issues as poor access to clean water and improved saniation, deforestation, adult iliteracy, and limited nutrition for single parent households.
Tackling these problems
Embedded gender roles
Few examples of youth in leadership especially girls
Low priority level and relevance of education
Through our partnerships with successful Honduran entrepreneurs and distinguished universities, we implement in-person workshops and video lectures to teach the core principles of entrepreneurship.
We provide seed capital for student-led small business concepts that have been approved by our entrepreneur council.
Tackling these problems
The need to work and support family while in school
Lack of diverse employment opportunities
Lack of critical thinking, creativity, and 21st century skills taught in traditional schools
Tackling these problems
The need to work and support family while in school
Scarce number of available middle schools or high schools in rural areas
Embedded gender roles
Lack of diverse employment opportunities
Low government investments in improving rurals education outcomes
Few examples of youth in leadership especially girls
Lack of critical thinking, creativity, and 21st century skills taught in traditional schools
Few household economic resources to cover schools fees
Low priority level and relevance of education