Students at the Center of Community Development
Emerging young leaders are trained to use their newfound secondary school education as the vehicle to address poverty in their communities. We are there to empower and support them along the way.
This is how we redefine rural education:
Our Approach to Leadership
E2E schools apply project-based learning to help students develop poverty-fighting projects in their local communities and teach neighboring youth to replicate similar programs.
By learning how to map high risk areas of mosquito-borne illnesses, malnutrition, adolescent pregnancy, out-of-school children, and other factors affecting the well-being of families, students become empowered to identify and confront the major challenges in their communities.

Our Approach to Student Sponsorship

Time spent planning and implementing community development projects is used as currency to pay off financial aid.

E2E provides partial scholarships increasing by 10% each year the student is in good standing.

The majority of communities E2E supports are “off the map” and receiving secondary school for the first time in their history.
we go
beyond the classroom
Our Approach to Youth Entrepreneurship
How do students become entrepreneurs over the course of secondary school?
Each of our newly established secondary schools are eligible for technical assistance and training to help launch a class-run business.
Making secondary school self-sustaining

Closing the knowledge gap between urban and rural
What about traditional approaches to education?

School Supplies

Building Schools

Regular Student Sponsorship
can be helpful in the short-term but potentially risk
Reinforcing the cycle of handouts
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Producing a low return on investment
Taking a donation-centered approach
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Lacking an exit-strategy