Impact Measurement
Our Impact in Numbers
Scholarships awarded
Outcome #1
Are we increasing access to secondary school for rural youth?
Transition rate from primary school to secondary school
UNESCO reports that 46% of rural youth transition to lower secondary school demonstrating the problem with access.
Communities with an E2E school see an average transition rate of 50% by year 2 and 80% by year 4. This is often an increase from a baseline of zero graduating sixth graders continuing on to secondary school.
Nationally, only 31% of rural youth are completing secondary school. On average across all school sites, E2E’s graduation rates fall between 87%-92%.
Out-of-pocket household expenses on education
A survey taken of six communities from three regions of the country showed that E2E schools reduced potential OOP household expenses on secondary education by 27% on the low range and 279% on the high range.
96% of parents list cost as the top barrier to enrolling their child in secondary school prior to E2E’s involvement.
Logistical constraints to access secondary school
A survey taken of 200+ parents showed that E2E represents the only affordable option for secondary school for 77% of families.
98% of parents say there is no form of reliable public transportation to send their children to a secondary school outside of the community.
100% of parents surveyed say E2E has eliminated the logistical and financial barriers to secondary school that previously existed.

Outcome #2
Are we developing leadership skills that strengthen communities and protect the environment?
Youth participation in community development
In neighboring communities where E2E has not implemented leadership programs or initiated a secondary school, less than 2% of adolescents report participating in community development projects or witnessing other youth in any local leadership roles.
71% of E2E students from three schools stated that the community projects they have led resulted in increases in the community’s support of secondary school compared to previous attitudes.
Community well-being index
Through their projects, E2E students have improved such health and well- being outcomes as adult literacy, access to clean water, improved sanitation, environmental protection, elderly nutrition, and helping primary school students with learning disabilities.
In one community, students planted nearly 1,000 trees in areas where deforestation and human-caused fires are prevalent. Students in Central Honduras spearheaded a vegetable garden project that yielded increased availability of nutritious food for 130 families and decreased the number of school-aged children going without lunch. In the Eastern region, students have launched campaigns to combat river pollutions that contaminate their drinking sources and install the first trash bins throughout the community.
Attitudes towards youth leadership
We triangulate our qualitative data with parent, teacher, and student testimonials. A survey of 21 mothers of 9th and 10th grade students reported that over 80% saw a noticeable difference in the way their children carried themselves such as speaking with confidence and a vocal commitment to finish their studies.
98% of E2E graduates reported they didn’t feel capable of possessing leadership qualities at the beginning of secondary school and did not feel comfortable speaking up or voicing their opinions. As high school graduates, 100% of students reported feeling more confident in their leadership and public speaking abilities.
Outcome #3
Is access to secondary school improving students' lives post-graduation?
Transition rate from lower secondary school to upper secondary school
UNESCO reports that 77% of rural youth transition from lower secondary to upper secondary school nationally compared to 98% of students from E2E schools.
Nationally, out of those 77% only 18% of rural youth graduate from upper secondary school compared to 82% of E2E students.
Students increased employment prospects and marketability
E2E students in upper secondary school are 30% more likely than their non-E2E peers to possess financial and digital literacy skills.
Compared to peers in the same municipality, E2E students are more likely to have a resume that reflect the soft and hard skills most sought in the Honduran labor market.
Students increased earnings
E2E secondary school graduates represent the less than 2% of working women in the community not earning money as domestic workers. Graduates earn an average of 75% more per hour as teaching assistants and Peer Leaders.

Nationally, only 18% of rural youth finish high school compared to 82% of E2E students.